She is more precious than rubies: and all the things you can desire are not to be compared to her.
is to collaborate with other Women Ministries to develop a stronger bond of fellowship to reach women of all juncture in life through mentoring
is to bring together females of all ages and juncture in life, to enhance and develop to their potential, and fulfill destiny. By employing the Titus 2 principle, the older (spiritually mature) women teach and train the younger women by mentoring, role modeling, prayer, encouragement and service opportunities to become the ``Priceless Princess`` or ``Queen`` by divine design.
is to be a voice for godliness amid an ungodly world to women whether married, single, a mother, grandmother, teenager or widowed. We seek to edify, encourage and build up one another through the principles and standards set forth in the written Word of God. We believe God's planned intent for women is first – one of honor, and a purposeful life.
…with a voice of godliness and a beacon of light in a dark world, emitting a sweet fragrance to others and refreshment, in the home, workplace, church, and community.
Rubies are in a class by themselves…they are the rarest and most precious gems in the world.
Our desire is to encourage and bless you! It’s our prayers that you will be strengthened, encouraged, and built up as you walk in obedience to the Word of God.